Friday Jan 31, 2020
The Cheerful Giver (2 Corinthians 9:1-7)
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Friday Jan 31, 2020
God loves a cheerful giver! In this study of 2 Corinthians 9, you will hear...
The danger of giving "under compulsion"
Why voluntary gifts are better than mandatory gifts
How your gifts reap heavenly treasure
An easy way to bring a smile to God's face
Some of the good works that your tithes and offerings make possible
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Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Proof of Love (2 Cor. 8:8-24)
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
God wants us to be generous givers, not out of guilt, but out of gratitude. In this message, we learn...
One thing the apostles reminded Paul to always do in his travels
How Jesus provides the perfect model of giving
Looking for the right moment to do good
The helpful principle of "proportionate" giving
The importance of handling God's money with integrity
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Thursday Jan 09, 2020
Inspired by Generosity (2 Cor. 8:1-7)
Thursday Jan 09, 2020
Thursday Jan 09, 2020
2 Corinthians 8-9 provide vital instructions on Christian stewardship. In the opening verses of this passage, we learn...
Five lies we are told about money
One of the greatest examples of generosity in church history
Why rich people are often miserable
Special instructions for those who have the spiritual gift of giving
Why our giving should be proportional to our means
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Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Treasuring God's Word (Psalm 119:11)
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
God's Word is full of treasure just waiting to be discovered! In this message on Psalm 119:11, we learn...
The many words the Bible uses to describe itself
Why scripture is "sweet" like honey
How the heart is the key to life change
Basic tips and tricks for Bible memorization
How Bible memory helps in times of temptation
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Thursday Dec 19, 2019
The King of Kings Is Crucified (Lk. 23:26-38)
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
The death of Jesus elicited many different reactions. In this study of Luke 23, we learn...
The background of Simon of Cyrene, who carried Jesus' cross
Why the crucifixion is one of the most well-documented events in human history
Jesus' frightening words to Israel
Messianic fulfillments from Psalm 22
Why the Jewish leaders hated Jesus so much
How we should respond to the person and work of Jesus
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Monday Dec 16, 2019
Good Tidings from Titus (2 Cor. 7)
Monday Dec 16, 2019
Monday Dec 16, 2019
Repentance is one of the keys to both salvation and sanctification, yet it is often misunderstood. In this study of 2 Corinthians 7, we discuss...
Why Paul breathed a sigh of relief at the coming of Titus
The role of rebuke in Christian living
The difference between repentance and remorse
Why godly repentance leads to a change in behavior
No matter how great the sin, God rejoices over a repentant heart
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Thursday Dec 12, 2019
Wholly Holy (2 Cor. 6:11-18)
Thursday Dec 12, 2019
Thursday Dec 12, 2019
Paul gives two reasons we should not be unequally yoked in our relationships. In this sermon, we learn...
That relationships and reconciliation involve a level of risk
The brilliant imagery of a "yoke" to describe relationships
The right way to handle sin
How the church has replaced the temple as God's dwelling place
Three common areas where we need to confess sin
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Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
This is the Day (2 Cor. 6:1-10)
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Paul urges the church to get right with God and not receive his grace in vain. In this sermon, we learn...
The inspiring testimony of missionary C.T. Studd
God's great purpose for each one of us
Why "good intentions"are not enough in making change
Paul's credibility as a messenger of Jesus Christ
Why Paul's entire life was a paradox of suffering and joy
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Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
The Ministry of Reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:16-21)
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
God is the God of peace, and he specializes in making peace. In this exposition of 2 Corinthians 5, I share:
My own salvation testimony
Paul's "before Christ" experience
Why Christians still struggle with the flesh
Why all of us need to be reconciled to a holy God
How God brings peace between believers
How to use the language of reconciliation when sharing the gospel
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Monday Oct 21, 2019
Compelled by Love (2 Cor. 5:11-15)
Monday Oct 21, 2019
Monday Oct 21, 2019
Christians have the best news on the planet, yet are sometimes afraid to share. In this exposition of 2 Corinthians 5, we learn:
Why God cares so much about motives
Why Paul felt it necessary to defend himself
What is the "fear of the Lord"
What to do when you are discouraged or afraid to share the gospel
One of the shortest summaries of the gospel in the entire Bible
Great verses to use in your evangelism
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